Wisdom tooth extraction
Wisdom tooth extraction Introduction Third molars in the back of the mouth are called wisdom teeth. They appear between the ages of 17-25. They need not be removed If they are healthy, fully erupted, causing no problems with bite and hygiene maintenance. But most of the times the wisdom teeth have no place to grow in the jaw and remain totally or partially submerged in different angles, causing pain and discomfort. Then it is recommended they be removed. Problems with impacted wisdom teeth Pain in the adjacent teeth: due to space constraint, the wisdom teeth may not totally erupt and may become angulated, causing pressure on adjacent teeth. Food lodgement: the space between the wisdom tooth and the adjacent molar can become a pocket for food debris accumulation, eventually leading to gum infection and pain. Cavities in wisdom teeth: due to their location and angulation, it is difficult for the tooth brush to reach the last areas of the mouth, which can lead to difficulty in cleaning them. This leads to plaque accumulation, leading to gum diseases and cavity formation. Cavities in adjacent molars: due to food lodgement between 2nd molars and wisdom teeth, the distal surface of 2nd molars become cavitated. These cavities may go unnoticed by the patient and it is only when the pain arises that the patient becomes aware. These are routinely detected when x-rays are taken. Cyst around the wisdom teeth-some wisdom teeth can be associated with cyst formation, which weakens the jaw at the angle and may also affect the adjacent molars. Cyst can lead to pain and infection. Difficulty in opening the mouth The gum covering the wisdom tooth might get traumatized by the opposing tooth, leading to pain and infection. Bad breath and unpleasant taste in the mouth due to food lodgement in the area of wisdom tooth leading to gum infections with pus formation. Preparing for wisdom tooth removal Before scheduling the removal appointment, take a prior appointment for taking the x-rays and discussing your medical health and any medications you are taking with the dentist. Please disclose any history of operations and allergies with the dentist. Prophylactic antibiotics may need to be started prior to surgery. In case of patients on blood thinners, consent from the cardiologist needs to be obtained prior to stopping the blood thinners. It is advised to have food prior to the appointment, as few hours later it is not possible to eat any food. Procedure of removing wisdom tooth Patient is seated comfortably, and local anesthesia is given to numb the teeth and the gums. Then an incision is given on the gums and the flaps are reflected to expose the submerged tooth. Once the visibility is achieved, there may be a need to trim the bone around the tooth further to expose and loosen the tooth. Sometimes sectioning of the tooth is required, when the tooth doesn’t come out as a whole. Once the tooth is taken out, curettage is done to remove any infected tissue or cyst lining. The sharp bone edges are smoothed out by a bone file. Gelsponge can be placed in the socket for faster healing and sutures are given. cotton pack is placed on top of the extracted sutured site for bleeding control. Care to be taken after the removal Thirty minutes following the procedure, the cotton gauze pack should be taken out; if necessary, a new one can be added. It’s crucial to take a day or two off. Engaging in physically demanding activities should be avoided. ice pack can be placed on the cheek to reduce the pain and swelling. Analgesics and antibiotics are to be taken as prescribed. soft diet is to be taken. Avoid chewy, crunchy, hot and spicy foods. Gargling and swishing the water around in the mouth is to be avoided. Avoid brushing near the extraction site for couple of days. Gentle brushing of the other areas and rinsing by tilting the head is recommended. Smoking, drinking alcohol and chewing tobacco are to be avoided for a week after surgery as they may lead to delayed healing. Drinking through a straw is not recommended as it might dislodge the blood clot. Complications of wisdom tooth surgery Even though it is a fairly common procedure done on a daily basis in the life of a Dentist, the surgery might still be associated with certain complications during and after the procedure. Minor complications such as bruising and face swelling can occur. Damage to adjacent teeth, jaw bone, and nerves can occur. When arteries get accidentally severed, there can be profuse bleeding. Temporary numbness of the tongue and jaw can occur when the nerves are accidentally damaged. Reinfection of the wound site accompanied by pain, swelling and restricted jaw opening can occur. If the blood clot that helps in healing the socket gets dislodged, there can be a condition called dry socket, which is associated with extreme pain and delayed healing. Cost of wisdom tooth removal: It can vary depending on the complexity of the surgery anywhere between Rs 5000 – 10,000/-. Conclusion: If you want to discuss with a dentist the decision of removing or keeping the wisdom tooth, feel free to contact us. We provide the best and most affordable teeth removal services in Solitaire Family Dentistry Kukatpally. At our practice, our extremely talented and highly qualified oral and maxillofacial surgeons take extreme care in planning and executing the wisdom tooth extraction surgery. Our practice combines compassionate care with cutting-edge technology and state-of-the-art dentistry. To know more, call us on 6281497455 to schedule a consultation.
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