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Link between Oral health and General health 

Link between Oral health and General health  General health and dental health are closely related. Understanding how the two are related to and impact one another is crucial. Serious health issues can arise from poor oral hygiene.   Poor oral health can lead to cardiovascular problems, endocarditis, pregnancy complications and pneumonia  Cardiovascular problems: Bacteria from the mouth travel through the blood vessels to reach the heart, where they cause inflammation and damage to the blood vessels, leading to clots, heart attacks, and strokes. It has been found that the atherosclerotic patches of the blood vessels contained the bacteria found in the mouth. Oral infection sets off an immune reaction in the body, which causes inflammation in the body, causing problems to heart and other organs.  Endocarditis: Pathogenic bacteria can stick to the inner lining of the heart and surface of the valves, leading to infective endocarditis. Patients with pre-existing cardiovascular disease are at an increased risk of developing IE due to poor oral health. Streptococcus species, almost exclusive to the mouth, lead their way from the inflamed gums to the heart, causing 50% of infectious Endocarditis cases. With good oral hygiene, there is reduced risk of bacteremia, therefore reduced risk of developing IE.  Pregnancy complications: Preterm birth, before 37 weeks of pregnancy, and low birth weight babies are associated with poor oral health.  Pneumonia: Pathogenic bacteria can reach the lungs, causing pneumonia and other lung complications. There is a significant correlation in patients with high dental caries and tooth loss developing the risk of pneumonia.  General health conditions affecting the oral health:  Pregnancy: Increased hormonal levels lead to weakening of the gums and loosening of the teeth. During pregnancy, gums become more vulnerable to plaque, leading to swollen gums.  Diabetes  The diabetes and periodontitis relation is both ways. Diabetic patients have poor gum health leading to periodontitis and Diabetic patients with periodontitis can have worsened glycemic index.  HIV/AIDS The mouth presents itself extremely dry, with gingivitis, periodontitis, fungal infections, hairy leukoplakia, and canker sores.  Cancer Due to radiation therapy to the mouth and neck, cancer presents with dry mouth. Medicines used to treat cancer also causes dry mouth. In case of mouth cancer, there will be unhealed ulcers, red and white patches, pain with swallowing, difficulty in swallowing, and dry mouth.  Alzheimers disease: This is a neurodegenerative disease. Dental infections along with orofacial pain is seen due to impairment in patients. Due to cognitive impairment, there is reduction in chewing force. Orofacial pain can be due to TMD dysfunction; upon TMD treatment and pain relief, the patients experienced better quality of life.    Conclusion Along with regular brushing and flossing, regular dental checkups and professional teeth cleaning must not be neglected. Contact your Dentist at Solitaire Family Dentistry right away. Oral health has a profound effect on overall general health. Visit your Dentist atleast once a year to know the oral hygiene status and to take any preventive measures If needed. We provide affordable, convenient, ethical treatments to our patients in Hyderabad. Contact us at 6281497455 for a quick appointment in kukatpally. 

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BLEEDING GUMS- CAUSES & TREATMENT  Red, swollen gums, which bleed profusely are an indication of a problem either local or systemic. Improper maintenance of oral hygiene can lead to infection and inflammation of the gums. It is common to hear elderly patients complaining of bleeding gums. Because diseases like bacterial endocarditis, pulmonary diseases, and rheumatoid arthritis are associated with gingivitis & periodontitis, it is important to visit the Dentist on an annual basis to nip the problem at its bud. At solitaire Family Dentistry, our Top specialist Dentists are trained to diagnose the problem at the earliest.    Causes of Bleeding gums  Harsh brushing & flossing  Using a hard bristled tooth brush along with brushing towards the gum line can cause damage to the gums with bleeding and recession of the gums overtime. Aggressive flossing between the teeth can cause damage to the interdental papilla, leading to bleeding and recession.      Poor oral hygiene  Bleeding gums is a symptom of gum disease, also known as Gingivitis. Plaque buildup on teeth If not regularly cleaned leads to gum irritation and inflammation. When left unchecked, can progress to severe form of gingivitis, which is Periodontitis. Gingivitis and periodontitis can be avoided and treated.  Hormonal changes  During pregnancy, increased levels of estrogen & progesterone make the gums sensitive and there is gum bleeding. Increased hormonal levels increases the blood flow to the gums. It is a common phenomenon. Along with the hormonal changes, dietary changes inclined towards carb rich diet leads to increased plaque buildup, leading to swollen gums.  Nutritional Deficiency  Nutritional deficiency, particularly Vitamin C & K, can cause bleeding gums. Vitamin C supports the gums with collagen biosynthesis, whereas Vitamin K helps in Blood clotting. Individuals with Vitamin C deficiency have more severe periodontal disease than individuals with adequate levels in the plasma. Vitamin C along with the collagen biosynthesis, has an antioxidant activity which helps in periodontal healing.  Smoking Smokers have a higher risk of developing vitamin C deficiency. Smoking is a risk factor for periodontal disease. Due to reduced blood supply to the oral tissues in smokers, even though the gums are in poor health, there may be reduced bleeding.  Stress Chronic stress reduces immunity and enhances inflammation in the body. This can lead to increased blood supply to the gums with impaired healing leading to gum bleeding.  Medication Blood thinners used in cardiac risk patients can lead to gum bleeding, as these medications can interfere with blood clotting. High blood pressure medications, seizure medications, and immunosuppressants can cause gingival inflammation and bleeding.   Immunocompromised  In conditions such as HIV and Cancer, where the immune system is compromised, bleeding gums can be a first indication.   Treatment of Bleeding gums  At home, using a soft bristled toothbrush with proper brushing technique should be followed. Flossing must be done very gently between the teeth.  Regular professional dental checkups with cleaning once every 6 months are recommended. A proper nutritious diet with quitting smoking will improve gum health.  Foods rich in Vitamin C & K must be taken.  Stress control not only improves the overall wellbeing but has a profound effect on oral health as well.  Conclusion  At Solitaire family dentistry, The Best Dental Hospital in Hyderabad, we review each case with the utmost care and provide a customized treatment plan suited to the individual. When the gums bleed daily, it is a cause for concern. Take an appointment with our gum specialist as soon as possible to get to the bottom of the problem. Visit us or call us on  6281497455 to get the best, affordable services in Hyderabad. 

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Blog, Teeth

Wisdom tooth extraction 

Wisdom tooth extraction  Introduction Third molars in the back of the mouth are called wisdom teeth. They appear between the ages of 17-25. They need not be removed If they are healthy, fully erupted, causing no problems with bite and hygiene maintenance. But most of the times the wisdom teeth have no place to grow in the jaw and remain totally or partially submerged in different angles, causing pain and discomfort. Then it is recommended they be removed.   Problems with impacted wisdom teeth  Pain in the adjacent teeth: due to space constraint, the wisdom teeth may not totally erupt and may become angulated, causing pressure on adjacent teeth.  Food lodgement: the space between the wisdom tooth and the adjacent molar can become a pocket for food debris accumulation, eventually leading to gum infection and pain.  Cavities in wisdom teeth: due to their location and angulation, it is difficult for the tooth brush to reach the last areas of the mouth, which can lead to difficulty in cleaning them. This leads to plaque accumulation, leading to gum diseases and cavity formation.  Cavities in adjacent molars: due to food lodgement between 2nd molars and wisdom teeth, the distal surface of 2nd molars become cavitated. These cavities may go unnoticed by the patient and it is only when the pain arises that the patient becomes aware. These are routinely detected when x-rays are taken.  Cyst around the wisdom teeth-some wisdom teeth can be associated with cyst formation, which weakens the jaw at the angle and may also affect the adjacent molars. Cyst can lead to pain and infection.  Difficulty in opening the mouth  The gum covering the wisdom tooth might get traumatized by the opposing tooth, leading to pain and infection.  Bad breath and unpleasant taste in the mouth due to food lodgement in the area of wisdom tooth leading to gum infections with pus formation.  Preparing for wisdom tooth removal  Before scheduling the removal appointment, take a prior appointment for taking the x-rays and discussing your medical health and any medications you are taking with the dentist. Please disclose any history of operations and allergies with the dentist. Prophylactic antibiotics may need to be started prior to surgery. In case of patients on blood thinners, consent from the cardiologist needs to be obtained prior to stopping the blood thinners. It is advised to have food prior to the appointment, as few hours later it is not possible to eat any food.  Procedure of removing wisdom tooth  Patient is seated comfortably, and local anesthesia is given to numb the teeth and the gums.  Then an incision is given on the gums and the flaps are reflected to expose the submerged tooth.  Once the visibility is achieved, there may be a need to trim the bone around the tooth further to expose and loosen the tooth.   Sometimes sectioning of the tooth is required, when the tooth doesn’t come out as a whole.  Once the tooth is taken out, curettage is done to remove any infected tissue or cyst lining.  The sharp bone edges are smoothed out by a bone file.  Gelsponge can be placed in the socket for faster healing and sutures are given.  cotton pack is placed on top of the extracted sutured site for bleeding control.  Care to be taken after the removal  Thirty minutes following the procedure, the cotton gauze pack should be taken out; if necessary, a new one can be added. It’s crucial to take a day or two off. Engaging in physically demanding activities should be avoided.   ice pack can be placed on the cheek to reduce the pain and swelling.  Analgesics and antibiotics are to be taken as prescribed.  soft diet is to be taken. Avoid chewy, crunchy, hot and spicy foods.  Gargling and swishing the water around in the mouth is to be avoided.  Avoid brushing near the extraction site for couple of days. Gentle brushing of the other areas and rinsing by tilting the head is recommended.  Smoking, drinking alcohol and chewing tobacco are to be avoided for a week after surgery as they may lead to delayed healing.  Drinking through a straw is not recommended as it might dislodge the blood clot.  Complications of wisdom tooth surgery  Even though it is a fairly common procedure done on a daily basis in the life of a Dentist, the surgery might still be associated with certain complications during and after the procedure.  Minor complications such as bruising and face swelling can occur.  Damage to adjacent teeth, jaw bone, and nerves can occur.  When arteries get accidentally severed, there can be profuse bleeding.  Temporary numbness of the tongue and jaw can occur when the nerves are accidentally damaged.  Reinfection of the wound site accompanied by pain, swelling and restricted jaw opening can occur.  If the blood clot that helps in healing the socket gets dislodged, there can be a condition called dry socket, which is associated with extreme pain and delayed healing.   Cost of wisdom tooth removal: It can vary depending on the complexity of the surgery anywhere between Rs 5000 – 10,000/-.  Conclusion: If you want to discuss with a dentist the decision of removing or keeping the wisdom tooth, feel free to contact us. We provide the best and most affordable teeth removal services in Solitaire Family Dentistry Kukatpally. At our practice, our extremely talented and highly qualified oral and maxillofacial surgeons take extreme care in planning and executing the wisdom tooth extraction surgery. Our practice combines compassionate care with cutting-edge technology and state-of-the-art dentistry. To know more, call us on 6281497455 to schedule a consultation.   

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Wisdom tooth extraction  Read Post »

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Pediatric Dental Care at Solitaire Family Dentistry

Pediatric Dental Care at Solitaire Family Dentistry Solitaire Family Dentistry in KPHB, Hyderabad, provides dental services to patients of all age groups, with a special interest in screening and treating kids as early dental checkups lay the foundation for healthy teeth and a healthy dentist-patient relationship. later on in life. Pediatric Dentist at solitaire family Dentistry Dr. A. Nikitha has been associated with solitaire family dentistry for the past 7 years. She pursued her Masters in Pediatric Dentistry as she always felt comfortable treating children. She has special expertise in treating children with special needs and children needing extensive dental treatment using IV sedation and general anesthesia. Dr. A. Nikitha has a very gentle demeanor, which endears her to all her child patients. She has a special way to put them at ease during the treatment. She is familiar with the most recent procedures in pediatric dentistry and maintains that oral health during infancy and childhood is a neglected health aspect, and she believes in preventive dentistry for children. Child-friendly approach at Solitaire Family Dentistry: We make the child feel safe and secure by using soft and friendly tone. We encourage our child patients to communicate with us so they become comfortable during the treatment. Positive reinforcement with some after-treatment stickers, badges, and goodies helps the child build trust in us. Why Pediatric Dental Care is Crucial importance of early dental visits The child gets comfortable with the idea of going to the dentist and visiting the dental office. The nervousness and fear associated with the dental treatments are eased. Proper guidance regarding proper brushing, the importance of choosing a healthy diet is given by the team. Early interventions with preventive dental care is the focus of childhood dental visits. Certain habits of kids, such as thumb sucking, lip biting, and tongue thrusting, which can have deleterious effects on the teeth and cause occlusion later on, can be identified and interrupted early on Fluoride varnish application, which strengthens the teeth, is done twice a year. Fluoride varnish application, which strengthens the teeth, is done twice a year. Sealants that cover the pits and fissures on the top surface of the teeth are applied, which prevent the decay of the teeth. Cavities can be treated when they are in their initial stages, thereby preventing the further breakdown of the teeth, which otherwise may require extensive treatment. Advanced procedures such as root canals and Orthodontic evaluations in kids 1. When the child’s cavity goes untreated for a long period of time, the tooth becomes infected, needing a pulpotomy or a pulpectomy to save the tooth. 2. In pulpectomy, the infected nerve is removed, the canals are cleaned and sealed, and a crown is placed shortly after. Pulpectomy is also called baby root canal, as it is done on milk teeth.        The same procedure on the permanent teeth of the child is called root canal treatment. 3. By the age of seven, orthodontic evaluation is necessary in some kids, as issues such as over crowding and malalignment can be noticed and acted upon before they become severe and need extensive treatment 4. Early detection can help the problem become more severe, so the treatment time is shorter, improving overall wellbeing. When addressed at an early age, as the child grows, he/she feels confident,, and self esteem is improved. Preparing a child for a dental visit: Before the scheduled appointment, parents must not use negative words like pain and injections with the kids. A calm, composed nature of the parents regarding the dental visit will help the kids think it is routine checkup. Playing “Pretend Dentist” at home will be helpful to get familiar with the mouth mirror and probe used by the dentist. Bringing the child’s favorite toy will provide comfort to the child during the treatment. Rewarding the kid with a small toy, a sticker, or a book after the treatment for his good behavior at the dentists office makes the kid want to visit the office again. Tips for parents to maintain kids Oral hygiene Parents must help the kids brush their teeth twice daily with fluoridated toothpaste. Discouraging the use of pacifiers and prolonged bottle feeding. Habits such as thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, and mouth breathing must be presented in front of the Pediatric dentist. focus on healthy, nutritious diet must be practiced at home. Scheduling dental appointments early will encourage and motivate the kids to understand the importance of oral health Conclusion: The pediatric dental services offered at Solitaire Family Dentistry encompass a wide variety of treatments, including regular checkups, dental cleanings, fluoride treatments, dental sealants, cavity fillings, and advanced procedures like root canals and orthodontic evaluation. The hospital is equipped with state-of-the art facilities and cutting edge technology, ensuring the highest standard of care. Contact us at 6281497455 to schedule an appointment and ensure your child’s dental health is in good hands.

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Blog, Teeth

A Complete Guide to Braces and Orthodontics

A Complete Guide to Braces and Orthodontics:  Everything a flawless smile requires to know  Introduction Malaligned teeth not only significantly affect the physical appearance of the person but also pose other problems, such as while chewing, maintaining good oral hygiene, and speaking. Straightened teeth can improve a person’s self-confidence. A healthy, pleasant smile makes a person attractive and more confident-looking. Braces and the more recent aligners are used to align the teeth and thereby improve the bite and overall appearance of the person.                               What are braces, and how do they work?  Braces are used to correct the teeth that are crooked, crowded, spaced, and Malaligned. They move by applying continuous gauged pressure to the teeth to move them from their current positions to positions that bring the bite into proper occlusion and improve the facial esthetics overall.   Braces are attached to the teeth with resin, and an arch wire is passed through them, which is kept in place with elastic rings. The arch wire is periodically changed and tightened to apply mild continuous pressure to teeth.   Types of Braces: Which one is right for you?  There are different types of braces available, which are metal braces, ceramic braces, self-ligating braces, lingual braces, and clear aligners (Invisalign). Caring for your braces Do’s and Don’ts  DONT’S-  Don’t chew on hard foods, ice, or sticky gum.  Foods such as apples, carrots, and corn on the cob can get stuck to the braces.  Don’t chew on pencils or bite on fingernails.   DO’S-  A proper, nutritious diet must be followed while avoiding sugary and acidic foods and drinks.  Maintaining good oral hygiene by carefully brushing the teeth around the braces is recommended.  Interproximal brushes can be used under the wires of the braces.  The first few weeks of getting braces soft diet are recommended.   To prevent sore spots and ulcers, wax can be placed on the braces. Bye-bye till the mouth gets used to them.  Use a mouth guard while playing contact sports.   Common myths about braces debunked  Age constraint: Braces for people of all age groups   Extremely painful: After the initial adjustment period, braces do not hurt.  Lengthy treatment: Treatment duration varies depending on the age and complexity of the case. Simple cases can be done in even 6 months.  Non-esthetic: Many of the latest advancements in braces, including self-ligating braces, ceramic braces, and clear aligners, make them wearable for patients who are self-conscious.  Set off metal detectors. No, they do not.  Once it is straightened, it is forever. No, a retainer keeps the teeth in place forever.  Braces are only a cosmetic treatment. Properly aligned teeth protect the teeth as well as the joints.  The benefits of orthodontic treatment  Well-aligned teeth make it easier to maintain good oral hygiene, reducing dental cavities as well as preserving bone health.  Malocclusions such as deep bites and cross bites can lead to increased wear of the teeth.  Teeth alignment and proper occlusion can remove the stress on the temporomandibular joint.  Aligning the teeth and the jaws gives a better smile, along with improving the facial aesthetics.  With the improvement in overall bite, the ability to chew the food improves.  The correction of malocclusion improves the TMJ joint and removes the strain on the muscles used for chewing, smiling, and yawning.  With the improvement in tooth alignment, speech becomes clear. Problems such as lipping and the inability to pronounce a few words will be gone.  Braces for children vs adults—what’s the difference?  It is easier to move the teeth in children as they are erupting when compared to the fully formed teeth in adults, which will take longer to move. In adults, the mature bone is firm and dense, making it tougher for the fully formed teeth to move. For kids, while the bones are in the developmental stage, it is easier to bring about skeletal changes along with tooth movement. In kids, as the teeth and bones are still developing, it is easier to manipulate them in a shorter span of time. Moreover, adults may have compound dental issues such as poor bone health and missing teeth, which can complicate the treatment further.   Life after Braces: Retainers and Maintaining Your New Smile  After finishing the orthodontic treatment, a retainer is given to maintain the teeth in their new positions. Teeth in their new positions need to be stabilized with the help of retainers; otherwise, due to daily activities like chewing and grinding, the teeth may go back to their original positions. Retainers help to retain the position of newly corrected teeth. Removable, fixed, or a combination of these two can be given as retainers. Removable retainers are custom-made and can be either a traditional Hawleys retainer or a clear Essix retainer. Fixed retainers, which have been introduced later on, are more esthetic as they are bonded to the inner surfaces of the upper and lower front teeth, making them invisible. In the case of a removable retainer, the orthodontist will suggest day and night wear for the initial four to six months, followed by nighttime wear for a minimum of two years.   Conclusion  Our Orthodontists at Solitaire Family Dentistry are highly skilled and trained to identify issues in children at a very early stage. Interventional orthodontic treatment can be administered to the kids to prevent the problem from becoming severe at a later stage. We have a kid-friendly clinic in Hyderabad that addresses issues with kids at an early stage. Orthodontists at Solitaire Family Dentistry plan a holistic treatment approach addressing aesthetic as well as functional outcomes. We use braces, arch expanders, and aligners to address different concerns after assessing individual patient needs. Contact us at 6281497455 to avail yourself of the best orthodontic services in Hyderabad for children and adults.   

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Blog, Teeth

The benefits of invisible braces

The benefits of invisible braces: A clear path to a confident smile  Braces made of metal or ceramic aren’t the only option available to get the teeth in proper alignment. Invisible aligners, or Gold Standard Invisalign, are the alternative available at Solitaire Family Dentistry to get perfectly straightened teeth.  Why choose invisible braces?  Easy to maintain oral hygiene  With regular metal or ceramic braces, especially with the elastics on, it is difficult to get the brush to thoroughly clean around the brackets and the wire. Food getting stuck in areas difficult to clean can lead to dental caries and halitosis. With Invisalign, the aligners can be removed during brushing and eating, which makes oral hygiene maintenance easier. The convenience of being able to remove them at will and clean the teeth is what makes them truly stand apart from the rest.  No dietary restrictions.  The brackets detach from the teeth, sometimes loosening the wire when the patient chews on a hard food item. Foods like nuts, popcorn, ice, hard candy, and gum are to be avoided. With aligners, the ease of taking them out makes it convenient to eat any food item. We can clean the teeth and the aligners and put them back in place.  Comfortable than regular braces  When the metal brackets rub against the cheeks, there can be soreness. The tongue, when used to feel the braces, can become sore. The wire at the ends can sometimes poke the inside of the cheek. With Invisalign, the aligners are smooth, and there are no sharp edges. It is much more relevant for patients who play contact sports. Invisalign is made of smart Trak material, which applies steady, constant pressure rather than the sudden pressure applied to the teeth with braces and tightening of the wire. Each new aligner set will feel a little tighter than the previous one, but the tightness feeling shouldn’t last more than a day or two.  Nobody will notice.  There have been instances of children being bullied at school because of their metal braces. Bullying frequently begins before the child receives braces, even when there is obvious tooth misalignment. It is our social responsibility to teach children that confidence in oneself is not dependent on one’s outward appearance. However, wanting to look a certain way or have better-aligned teeth is not a crime at all and is rather natural. Avoiding braces isn’t the answer. Placing more emphasis on having a good occlusion and smile for good overall oral health in the long run is much better than simply enhancing the looks of the kid. Having said all this, aligners are clear and made of plastic, which makes them almost invisible to others. The same results as braces can be achieved without being noticeable.  Less orthodontist visits:  Aligners are available in multiple sets, which are given to the patient, and they can be changed at home without frequently visiting the dentist. Whereas with braces, once every 4-6 weeks, at least an appointment needs to be scheduled to tighten the wire and check the progress, and additional unexpected appointments need to be scheduled in case of broken brackets or poking wires.  No teeth discoloration  With regular braces, by the end of the treatment after the debonding, a slight yellowish stain of the tooth might be seen around the bracket-bonded area, and in general, yellowing of teeth might be seen due to difficulty maintaining oral hygiene. But with Invisalign, no such problem is encountered, as oral hygiene can be maintained well.  How does Invisalign work?  First, the doctor takes a digital scan of the teeth and plans for a customized treatment plan. CLIN Check software is a 3D interactive visual interface that helps the doctor determine the forces applied to each tooth and where they should be applied to achieve a good result. Once the treatment plan is approved by the patient, the aligner sets are ordered, and upon arrival, the patient is called in to check the fit and to add customized composite attachments to the  that aid in moving the teeth. Each aligner set is designed to be worn for about 7–10 days, following which a new set of trays customized to fit the new changes is to be switched to. Most treatments take about 12–18 months, except in simple cases where the treatment can be done in 6 months. Aligners press continuously on the teeth to move them gradually. The teeth and tissues that support them are moved into a more stable position by the pressure. For alignment to be effective, it must be worn for 22 hours a day. They should only be taken off to eat and clean. It’s essential that patients comply.  Invisible Braces vs Traditional Braces   The introduction of clear aligners is the most path-breaking development in orthodontics in recent years. Invisalign has patented smart Trak technology used for its aligners, which makes them more pliable and durable, offering better results than the other aligners. The advancements in Invisalign itself have made it possible for it to be used in moderate to complex cases, including crossbites, deep bites, and open bites. Better oral hygiene with better periodontal health and root resorption has been noted in patients using clear aligners.   Conclusion  At Solitaire Family Dentistry, we offer metal braces, ceramic braces, Damon braces, and Invisalign. If you are interested in Invisalign, our orthodontists at Solitaire Family Dentistry would love to discuss it with you further. We offer the best orthodontic services in Hyderabad. To learn more, call us at 628-149-7455.     

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Blog, Teeth

Why Early Dental Check-Ups Are Crucial for Your Child’s Health

Why Early Dental Check-Ups Are Crucial for Your Child’s Health As a parent, ensuring your child’s overall health and well-being is a top priority. One crucial aspect that sometimes gets overlooked is dental health. While many parents may assume that dental checkups can wait until their child is older, early dental visits are essential for setting the foundation for a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums. Here’s why early dental checkups are so important for your child’s health. Establishing good dental habits Early dental checkups provide an excellent opportunity for both parents and children to learn about proper oral hygiene practices. Dentists can offer guidance on brushing techniques, the use of fluoride, and tips for maintaining a healthy diet that promotes strong teeth. Establishing these habits early on helps ensure that your child develops a positive attitude toward oral care, which can last a lifetime. By starting dental visits at a young age, you’re helping your child understand the importance of taking care of their teeth. This education can significantly reduce the risk of dental problems as they grow older. Prevention of dental issues The primary reason for early dental checkups is prevention. Many dental problems, such as cavities and tooth decay, can start as soon as your child’s first tooth appears.By scheduling an early dental visit , typically by their first birthday or within six months of the first tooth eruption, you allow the dentist to monitor your child’s oral development and catch any issues before they become serious problems. Pain, infection, and the need for more intrusive operations down the road can all be avoided with early detection and treatment of dental problems. By taking preventative measures, you can spare your child from pain and lessen the chance that they will require expensive dental work down the road. Building a positive relationship with the dentist A trip to the dentist can cause fear in a lot of kids. Early dental examinations contribute to normalizing the experience and reducing anxiety for follow-up appointments. A youngster is more likely to feel comfortable when they are familiar with the dental office setting, the personnel, and the processes. at ease and helpful throughout their appointments. A trip to the dentist can cause fear in a lot of kids. Early dental examinations contribute to normalizing the experience and reducing anxiety for follow-up appointments. A youngster is more likely to feel comfortable when they are familiar with the dental office setting, the personnel, and the processes. at ease and helpful throughout their appointments. The role of parents in dental health As the first line of defense against problems with oral health, parents are essential in maintaining their children’s dental health. As soon as a child erupts with their first tooth, parents have the duty to create and uphold proper overall hygiene habits. This include giving them the proper brushing and flossing techniques, helping them choose the best toothpaste and toothbrush, and making sure they eat a balanced diet that reduces their intake of sugar, which can cause cavities. In addition to providing daily care, parents must arrange for routine dental examinations, beginning as soon as the child turns one year old. During these appointments, a dentist can examine how a child’s teeth are growing, clean their teeth professionally, and recommend preventive care like sealants or fluoride. Parents can also serve as role models for their children by emphasizing the value of dental health About pediatric dental visits Pediatric dental visits are a crucial aspect of maintaining a child’s oral health and ensuring proper dental development from an early age. These visits, often recommended to begin by the time the child turns one year old or within six months after their first tooth appears, are not just Checking for cavities plays a much broader role in a child’s overall well-being. During a pediatric dental visit, the dentist assesses the growth and development of the child’s teeth and jaws, checking for any early signs of dental issues such as tooth decay, misalignment, or gum disease even before the child’s first birthday. During these check-ups, a dentist can keep an eye on the growth of the child’s teeth, clean them professionally, and recommend preventive care like sealants or fluoride. In addition, parents serve as excellent role models for their children when it comes to dental health. Parents can help their children develop a lifelong commitment to keeping healthy teeth and gums by modeling a positive attitude toward dental care and including it into family routines.

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Teeth, Blog

Latest Dental Technologies at [Solitaire Family Dentistry]

Dental Technologies 1. At Solitaire Family Dentistry, we are at the forefront of dental technology, offering our patients the best care possible in a field that is continually expanding. We guarantee that we will provide you with the most cutting-edge and efficient treatment possible, thanks to our treatment and investment in cutting-edge technologies and equipment. Here’s a peek at some of the dental technology tools available at our office. Computerized radiography Compared to traditional x-rays, digital x-rays are faster and produce less radiation. Compared to traditional procedures, digital radiography at our dental clinic can reduce radiation exposure by up to 90%. The patient’s digital x-ray image will display on the computer a few seconds after the scan is taken. Digital x-rays offer immediate, Interoral cameras We can take precise pictures of the inside of your mouth with intraoral cameras, which are tiny, pen-sized devices. Using our intraoral cameras, we will be able to examine your mouth in greater detail and provide you with high-definition photos that will aid in our explanation of diagnosis and available treatments. With the use of this technology, you can see what we see, which improves communication and comprehension of your dental health. Dental lasers Many dental procedures have been transformed by laser technology. Dental lasers are used in our Solitaire Family Dentistry office for a number of procedures, like as cavity diagnosis, gum recontouring, and even tooth whitening. Among the many advantages of laser dentistry are less discomfort, less bleeding, and quicker recovery periods. Technology for teeth whitening We also provide the newest teeth-whitening systems in our dental office, which produce amazing results quickly. Using cutting-edge light-activated technology, our in-office treatments may brighten your teeth in just one visit, and our take-home kits allow you to get professional-quality whitening whenever it’s convenient for you. Utilizing CAD/CAM Technology With the aid of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology, we are able to design and create dental restorations at our dental office, including veneers, crowns, and bridges     7. Electronic Impression Goodbye to uncomfortable and untidy impression materials. Modern digital imprint systems in our clinic use sophisticated scanning technology to produce precise, three-dimensional (3D) replicas of your teeth. This technology not only decreases surgery times and increases accuracy, but it also makes patients more comfortable. Computer-aided design and manufacturing With the use of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology, we are able to design and create dental restorations at our dental office, including veneers, crowns, and bridges. This means that you won’t need to schedule numerous sessions or use temporary fixes because you can get your restorations in only one visit. Managing soft tissues During cleanings, our dental office uses piezoelectric tools and ultrasonic scalers to remove tartar and plaque in a delicate yet efficient manner. These instruments encourage healthier gums and a cleaner mouth than conventional techniques, and they’re also more comfortable and less intrusive.  Digital grin design Using cutting-edge software, our digital smile design technology produces a picture of your grin. We can create a personalized treatment plan that accomplishes your desired cosmetic outcomes by examining your facial features and tooth structure. Our dedication to implementing the newest dental technologies at our Solitaire family dentistry guarantees that you will receive the best care available. These developments not only increase the effectiveness and precision of our procedures, but they also improve your entire visitation experience at our dental office. Using the most cutting-edge instruments and methods available, we are committed to assisting you in achieving perfect dental health and a stunning smile. Please get in touch with Solitaire Family Dentistry right now if you have any inquiries regarding our technologies or would want to make an appointment.

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Latest Dental Technologies at [Solitaire Family Dentistry] Read Post »

Teeth, Blog

What is dental emergency?

What is dental emergency? A Dental emergency is any situation involving the teeth, gums or oral structures that requires immediate attention from a dental professional to reduce severe pain. Prevent further damage, or address a serious health risk. Quick tips for handling different types of dental emergencies! Severe Toothache First, thoroughly rinse your mouth with warm water to clean it out. Use a dental floss to remove any trapped food particles. Apply a cold compress on the outside of your cheek to reduce swelling and take an over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and never place an aspirin directly on your tooth or gums because it may burn your gum tissue. Consult your dentist for this as soon as possible Knocked-out Tooth Handle carefully and pick up the tooth by the crown (the top part that is visible). above your gums). And gently rinse the tooth with water , do not scrub it or remove any attached tissue fragments. If possible, Try to reinsert the tooth into your socket and hold it in place.  Place a tooth in a container if you cannot reinsert it A product containing milk or cell growth medium, such as Save-A-Tooth. in all In the above cases, consult a dentist immediately. If you get treatment within an hour, the chances of saving the tooth are high Lost filling or crown Sometimes, old dental restorations fall out. If you have one, A piece of sugarless gum should be pasted into the cavity (sugar-filled gum pain) or use over-the-counter dental cement.  Contact immediately Dentist as soon as possible. If your dental crown or bridge broken, make an appointment to your dentist as soon as possible. avoid chewing on the affected side until you see your dentist. Chipped or broken tooth You should save the piece of tooth you find and rinse your mouth with warm water. If there is any bleeding from that area, place cotton gauze on that area for about 10 minutes until the bleeding stops. Apply a cold compress outside of the affected area to reduce any swelling. Contact your dentist for an emergency appointment. Broken braces and wires If a wire is poking your cheeks or gums, use a small piece of orthodontic wax or a cotton ball to cover the end.  Do not cut the cord, as you may accidentally swallow it That’s it. Contact your orthodontist immediately. Dental Abscess A Dental is a localized collection of pus caused by bacterial infection in teeth, gums, or surrounding tissues, which may lead to severe pain and swelling of the affected area. Rinse your mouth with a mild salt water solution several times a day to reduce pain and draw out the infection. dental abscess is a serious condition If left untreated, it may cause swelling in your face or jaw, or it can spread to other parts of the body. If you have a dental abscess, you should see your dentist as soon as possible. as possible. Soft tissue injuries If any injury occurs to your soft tissues, including gums, tongue, and cheeks, To control bleeding, you need to rinse your mouth with mild salt water solution and apply a moistened piece of gauze to the bleeding area for 15- 20 min. still if bleeding continues, see your dentist immediately or go to a hospital emergency room. Being prepared and knowing what to do in a dental emergency can help minimize ensure the best possible outcome for oral health. At solitaire family Dentistry, we provide exceptional emergency dental care. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.

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What is dental emergency? Read Post »

Blog, Teeth

What is The Benefits of Fluoride-

Understanding Fluoride: The Key to Strong and Healthy Teeth The Benefits of Fluoride Prevents tooth decay: Demineralization of teeth is prevented by getting itself incorporated into the enamel mineral, forming Fluorapatite. Fluorapatite is more resistant to acid dissolution than the regular enamel crystal Hydroxyapatites. Strengthens enamel: fluoride works on the partially demineralized subsurface enamel crystals and enhances remineralization of teeth by incorporating itself into the subsurface enamel crystals and absorbing more calcium and fluoride ions form fluorapatite Reduces sensitivity: Dentine hypersensitivity is caused by fluid movement in exposed dentinal tubules. Fluorides, when externally applied, act as a physical barrier, thus reducing fluid movement and leading to sensitivity. Also by enhancing remineralization, it makes the tooth harder and resistant to sensitivity. Prevents cavities: Teeth break down due to acids produced by the bacteria inside the mouth. Fluoride makes the teeth more resistant to acids produced by the bacteria in the mouth. It is also bactericidal and cariogenic bacteria. Sources of fluoride: Drinking water Between 0.7 and 1.2mg/liter of fluoride is the recommended dosage. Regulated levels of fluoride in drinking water helps prevent the development of carious lesions. As many people don’t have free access to In dental healthcare, this method of fluoride delivery through drinking water helps in taking care of oral health for mass population. Tooth paste: Fluoridate toothpaste has higher concentration of fluoride than fluoridated water. 1000ppm of fluoride is present in toothpastes. Fluoride containing toothpaste prevents cavities and is recommended. WHO supports the use of Fluoride toothpastes. In America every toothpaste has ADA seal contains Fluoride. quality of the fluoride tooth paste is also important for its efficacy. 0.5% Fluoride gel/toothpaste is recommended twice daily for children above 6 years of age by ADA. Mouth rinses: Fluoridated mouthwash is to be used once a day, starting above 6 years of age. Supervised use of sodium fluoride-containing mouth washes in children and adolescents proved beneficial in reducing the carious lesions. Between 6 and 18 years of age, 0.09% fluoride mouthrinse is recommended to be used at least once weekly by ADA. Fluoride mouthrinses are also beneficial for children wearing braces or receiving high-dose radiation. Professional treatments Fluoride for different age groups Children’s: pea-sized amounts of fluoridated toothpaste monitored by adults can be given to the kids between 3-6years for brushing. Up to to 3 years of age fluoride toothpaste of size resembling grain of rice is to be used as there are chances of children consuming the toothpaste. 2.26% of Fluoride varnish once every 3–6 months in children under 6 years of age is recommended by ADA. Between 6 and 18 years of age, 2.26% of Fluoride varnish is applied once every 3–6 months or 1.23% APF gel for 4 minutes every 3–6 months. Adults: Professional fluoride treatments, including fluoride varnish applications twice a year, along with the use of fluoridated toothpaste and mouthwash helps in individuals with moderate to high risk of caries. Safety and recommendations Exposure of fluoride levels over a prolonged period of time causes skeletal Fluorosis, which can lead to joint stiffness and weak bones. In younger children, in the teeth developmental stages, excess exposure leads to Dental Fluorosis, which prevents mild to severe deformations of tooth enamel. Myths and misconceptions about fluoride: Fluoride is unsafe: Serious adverse effects happen only with excessive intake which is accidental. Child when he/she accidentally ingests excessive fluoride supplement or drinking well water containing excess fluoride over prolonged periods. Fluoride causes cancer: No link has been noticed between fluoride and cancer. Natural fluoride is different from added fluoride: Natural fluoride is an element abundantly found in nature, in the earth’s crust. Its concentration in water is variable. Water is the major dietary source of fluoride. Ingested fluoride is absorbed through stomach and small Intestine and gets deposited in bones and teeth. Conclusion: Fluoride in your daily oral hygiene routine keeps the teeth healthy and prevents cavities. In some communities Fluoridated drinking water is available. In addition, fluoridated Toothpaste usage in recommended quantities will be beneficial. For additional fluoride treatment, or for more information on fluoride and its uses, dentist consultation is mandatory. Visit Our Clinic KPHB Branch Solitaire Family Dentistry Land Line: 040-49883217 Phone: +91 6281497455 Address: 101, 1st Floor, Sri Geetanjali Towers, Above Blue Stone, Opp Nexus Mall, 6th Phase KPHB, Hyderabad, Telangana, India 500085 Email:

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